Conveyor Belt Pulling Winches

SMC designs and manufactures a wide range of electric conveyor belt pulling winches from 500kg WLL up to 20,000kg WLL. The SMC Belt pulling winches can also come with an optional rope level winder mounted to the front of the winch for perfect spooling for those winches with the higher qtys of rope to avoid birds nesting.

DSCN3472 scaled
IMG 0103 scaled
6T WLL winch 1 2 scaled
22 500kg Pulling Winch V2 web
25 hydraulic ship mounted V2 web
20170215 124709 1200x675 1
20170817 110912 scaled
Elec 1.5 Tonne pulling winch V2 web
Electric 2.2 ton pulling V2 Web
Electric 5 Tonne pulling winch V2 Web
IMG 0338 scaled
IMG 4328 scaled
IMG 4346 scaled
IMG 4596 scaled
IMG 6424 scaled
IMG 7262 scaled
IMG 7267 scaled
IMG 7322 scaled
IMG 7323 scaled
IMG 7326 scaled
IMG 7573 scaled
IMG 7573 1 scaled
IMG 7574 scaled